Im sure everyone knows that dieting is not only a way to watch what you eat.. but it's a way of life! It takes a toll on your mental health as well.. so much has been going on in my world including trying to keep up the motivation to continue on my weight loss journey, that I've come to the conclusion that "I need a drink!" :) I'm an avid red wine drinker, so I may just have to pour me a nice tall glass! Beats the alternative of going back on the nightly slow down my brain meds right?! I'm absolutely planning on getting me some more of the actual hormone HCG drops soon! My birthday is in June so that would be an awesome time frame for my goal weight of 135! It'd take me 1 month to lose my final weight to get there.. so as long as I get up enough money to buy the actual hormone drops before May 8th, that'd give me exactly 1 month til June 8th.. (The big 3-0!) for me! I wanted to add a before and after picture of me from my first round in September of the drops I purchased from The difference is 26 lbs in this picture! Happy dieting everyone!! :)
Come visit with me on my ongoing weight loss journey! Experience my ups and downs and maybe even get some inspiration for yourself! :)
This is me!

- Jenni
- I am a 31 year old mother of 3 kids who has struggled with my weight my entire life. I was not the skinny cheerleader in highschool.. I was the plump Art Club girl who everyone pretty much just ignored. I have decided that since 1 of my sons is a type 1 diabetic that I will get my own health into full check for all of my kids' and my husband's sake. I want to be here for them for the rest of their lives! Or as long as God allows me to be! :) Here you will find my trials and tribulations of my everyday struggle with my weight and the emotions it brings on. I hope you will find great inspirations in what works for me and what doesn't work for me and mold it into your own life journey!
Was this progress from the HCG drops from walmart?? Thats what i just bought and i want to start tomrw...i know i read they gave you headaches but did you loose any weight on them??
ReplyDeleteThis post is from the progress of the actual Hormone Hcg drops. I didnt last but 3 days on the walmart drops because I couldnt handle the headache it gave me.