I have now hit my next milestone! I am in the 150's! I set a short term goal for myself and I've mastered it! Today I weigh 159.4 lbs!! I have now lost 20 pounds since my 29th birthday June 8th of this year. I have lost 14 pounds since starting phase 1 completing phase 2 and moving on to phase 3 of the hcg diet! I fit into so many smaller clothes and I feel the best I've ever felt in my life. I'm not starving myself either. I am letting myself have 1 indulgence a day. Whether its a pnut butter egg, a diet mt dew or a few chips etc. I just make sure the rest of the day I'm eating the correct foods and correct portions to balance it out. I'm allowing myself 800 to 1000 calories a day depending on how many I burn on the treadmill each morning. I burn at least 200 up to 350 a day on that. I have set a new goal for myself to be in the 140's! I will absolutely cry when I see that magical number I swear I will! :)
Come visit with me on my ongoing weight loss journey! Experience my ups and downs and maybe even get some inspiration for yourself! :)
This is me!
- Jenni
- I am a 31 year old mother of 3 kids who has struggled with my weight my entire life. I was not the skinny cheerleader in highschool.. I was the plump Art Club girl who everyone pretty much just ignored. I have decided that since 1 of my sons is a type 1 diabetic that I will get my own health into full check for all of my kids' and my husband's sake. I want to be here for them for the rest of their lives! Or as long as God allows me to be! :) Here you will find my trials and tribulations of my everyday struggle with my weight and the emotions it brings on. I hope you will find great inspirations in what works for me and what doesn't work for me and mold it into your own life journey!
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