This is me!

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I am a 31 year old mother of 3 kids who has struggled with my weight my entire life. I was not the skinny cheerleader in highschool.. I was the plump Art Club girl who everyone pretty much just ignored. I have decided that since 1 of my sons is a type 1 diabetic that I will get my own health into full check for all of my kids' and my husband's sake. I want to be here for them for the rest of their lives! Or as long as God allows me to be! :) Here you will find my trials and tribulations of my everyday struggle with my weight and the emotions it brings on. I hope you will find great inspirations in what works for me and what doesn't work for me and mold it into your own life journey!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The HCG Diet Phase 2 Recipes!

This is what the original Dr. Simeons HCG Phase 2 Diet Protocol looks:

Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.
1.    100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.
2.    One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.
3.    One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.
4.    An apple, orange, or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.
Dinner :
The same four choices as lunch (above.)

I followed this to a T my first HCG Dieting go round and lost 28 pounds in 21 days.. I really had to be strict with myself and ate quite a bland and boring diet for those 3 weeks.. It has now been over a year and I have discovered lots of great recipes that still follow the rules of HCG Phase 2 dieting but taste great as well!!

As I come across great HCG Phase 2 recipes I'm going to post them here!
I will also be posting my comments and opinions below each recipe when I make it and eat it myself.

- Main Courses

Phase 2 Meatball Burgers

3.5 oz Ground Beef
1 Melba Toast - Crushed into crumbs
1 Tbsp Milk
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
1/4 tsp Basil
1/4 tsp Oregano
1/4 tsp Garlic Salt
pinch of Black Pepper

Combine all ingredients and form into a patty, then grill until done.

Phase 2 Taco Salad

3.5 oz Ground Beef
1 tsp Onion, minced
1 clove Garlic, minced
Spices of your choice, like cumin, chili powder, cilantro, etc.
2 cups Lettuce 
1 Tomato, diced

Brown ground beef with onion, and add garlic toward the end. Add taco spices of your choice to taste. Serve over lettuce with diced tomato.

Phase 2 Garlic Broccoli Chicken Stir Fry

3.5 oz Chicken Breast (I use 2 tenders)
10 cloves Garlic, peeled and smashed
1.5 cups Broccoli
2 Tbsp Water

Steam broccoli for just about 2 minutes to slightly cook it.  (Frozen broccoli may not need this step.)  Stir fry chicken in water until about half done, add garlic and finish cooking chicken.  Add broccoli. Serve.

Phase 2 Chicken Soup

3.5 oz Chicken Breast, diced
1/2 cup Celery, sliced
1 cup fat-free Chicken Broth
Water, to taste
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil 
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder

Heat chicken broth in sauce pan.  Add celery and cook for about 5 minutes.  Add seasonings and chicken, let simmer until chicken is done.  Taste and add water as needed until it's just right.

Phase 2 Mexican Chicken Soup

(Makes 4 Servings)

4 cups chicken broth
1 sm onion, chopped
2 clove Garlic -- minced
2 tsp cumin
4 tsp chili powder
1 lb Chicken breasts, cut into strips

Heat chicken broth or water in a pot and bring to a rapid simmer.
Add remaining ingredients.
Cook for 10-15 minutes, or until chicken is completely done and no longer pink.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken Fingers

3.5 oz Chicken Tenders (this is 2 tenders for me)
1 Tbsp Mustard
1/2 tsp Basil
1/2 tsp Oregano
1 Tbsp Bread Crumbs (you can crush up your melba toast or grissini, or just use whatever bread crumbs you have)

Preheat oven to 350*. Coat thawed chicken in mustard and set on baking sheet. Mix bread crumbs with herbs. Sprinkle half of the breading over the two tenders, then flip them over and sprinkle the rest on the other sides. Bake until done, about 15 minutes.

I put a little blob of mustard on my plate and added 3 drops of liquid stevia for a "honey mustard" dipping sauce. Yum!

- Side Dishes

HCG Diet ApplesauceHCG Diet Recipes | HCG Diet Apple Sauce | HCG Diet Dessert Recipes
  • 1 Apple
  • 3 T. Water
  • Powdered HCG Safe Stevia (to taste)
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
To make the HCG diet applesauce peel, core, and dice one apple. Place diced apple in mini-crockpot and add water & cinnamon. Cook the HCG applesauce mixture for at least two hours. When finished, mash with fork or place in blender to reach desired consistency. Next, add a HCG safe brand of stevia. Serve warm or refrigerate and serve the HCG applesauce cold. This HCG diet safe applesauce recipe is safe for phase 2 of the HCG diet. This HCG recipe counts as 1 HCG fruit serving.

HCG Diet Cinnamon GrapefruitHCG Cinnamon Grapfruit Recipe for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet. Yum!
To make the HCG cinnamon grapefruit, take a knife around the inside peel of the grapefruit so that it cuts out the grapefruit from the peel. (I usually have to use my fingers after this to pull the grapefruit out.) Separate the sections and place in a bowl. (It's best if the grapefruit is really juicy. If it's not, sprinkle with a bit of water to moisten.) Sprinkle with HCG safe stevia and cinnamon. Toss, them place back into grapefruit peel. Broil for about 3-5 minutes until caramelized, enjoy this HCG recipe warm. This HCG recipe is safe for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet. This HCG recipe counts as 1 HCG fruit serving.

- Desserts / Snacks

Phase 2 Apple Cookies


Pulp from 1 apple
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon vanilla powder
Stevia to taste
1 tablespoon lemon juice


Mix pulp from 1 apple, Mix with stevia
and spices and form into cookies (1-2). Bake the cookies for approximately
15-20 minutes or until slightly brown.

Phase 2 Cinnamon Baked Apple

Mix the following in a small baking dish:

1 Tbsp water
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Liquid Stevia to taste (5-10 drops)
Juice of 1/2 lemon (optional) 

Slice apple and coat in cinnamon mixture. Bake, covered, at 350* for 10-15 minutes or until desired doneness.

HCG Grilled Apple 
  • 1 Apple
  • Sprinkle of Lemon JuiceGrilled Apple Recipe for the HCG Diet.
  • ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon
  • Pinch of Nutmeg
  • Powdered HCG Safe Stevia
  • Pinch of Vanilla Powder
To make this HCG Grilled Apple, start by coring the apple and cutting it in half. Mix cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla powder, and stevia. Top apple halves with mixture and bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees until apples are soft. Next, place the apple halves on a non-stick grill for 1-2 minutes per side. This HCG recipe is safe for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet and can be served as a yummy dessert HCG treat. This HCG recipe counts as 1 HCG fruit serving.

HCG Apple Pie CrumbleHCG Safe Apple Pie for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet
To make the HCG Apple Pie Crumble, core the apple and remove seeds. Crush grissini stick. Mix mix grissini powder, stevia, and ½ tablespoon cinnamon in small bowl. Seperate this mixture into two seperate bowls. Add water to half the crust mix--moisten and begin to press crust into soufflé dish. Cut apple into thin slices and toss together stevia, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, and a splash of water. Place apples into dish and cover with the remaining DRY Melba mix. Bake 450 for 15 minutes. Remove the HCG Apple Pie Crumble from the oven and enjoy. This HCG recipe is safe for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet. This HCG recipe counts as 1 HCG fruit serving and 1 HCG 'carb' serving.

- Condiments / Additives

Phase 2 Fauxback Steak Rub

4 tsp paprika
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
4 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp coriander

Phase 2 Ketchup
1 6-ounce can Tomato Paste
3 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Celery Salt
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Mustard Powder
Pinch of Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
25 drops Liquid Stevia (to taste)

Mix all ingredients well, and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

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