This is me!

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I am a 31 year old mother of 3 kids who has struggled with my weight my entire life. I was not the skinny cheerleader in highschool.. I was the plump Art Club girl who everyone pretty much just ignored. I have decided that since 1 of my sons is a type 1 diabetic that I will get my own health into full check for all of my kids' and my husband's sake. I want to be here for them for the rest of their lives! Or as long as God allows me to be! :) Here you will find my trials and tribulations of my everyday struggle with my weight and the emotions it brings on. I hope you will find great inspirations in what works for me and what doesn't work for me and mold it into your own life journey!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Shrinking Skin after rapid weight loss!

When you have lost weight, you will be very excited at your new body. However, when there is good, there seems to always be a bad side. Now that you have lost weight, you have that excess skin that does not want to go away.

The skin is very elastic, just take a look at what a pregnant woman’s skin goes through. For those of you that have come here in order to learn how to tighten up that skin, I am going to give you 14 tips to tighten loose skin after weight loss, so pay close attention.

1. Use moisturizer each day …

Moisturizer will add up to seventy percent of moisturizer to your skin. When you are losing weight, it is great to use a moisturizer as it will help to maintain that elasticity as your body is shrinking. Cover your body in heavy moisturizer each night before you go to bed.

2. Moisturize your body each night …

When you apply the moisturizer to your body at night, you may want to wear long sleeves and long pajamas in order to make sure it does not rub off on your sheets. This will also help to hold that moisture in as you sleep at night.

3. Use Loofah or a body scrub that really works …

When you use a body scrub or loofah at least twice a day, you will be helping to tighten up that lose skin that is caused by weight loss.

4. Scrub your skin 3 times a week …

When you scrub away that surface, you will be causing that skin underneath to generate faster.

5. Drink a lot of water …

There is a lot of studies showing that you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Why? In order to keep that moisture in your skin. Apart from this, the water is also going to flush those toxins out of your system. It will give your skin that healthy feel and look.

6. Lift weights …

A great way to get rid of that excess skin would be to lift weight. When you are losing weight, lifting weights is important.

7. Exercise as much as possible …

You would think this goes with number seven, but when we talk about exercise, we are talking about sit ups, push-ups, running and anything else you can think of. When you are exercising, you will be building those muscles up. This will plump up your skin from the inside and give it that tighter appearance. When you exercise, you will be making sure you will not gain all the weight back that you just tried so hard to lose.

8. Massage your skin …

You may not believe this, but massaging the skin helps to build that elasticity back up. You should use mustard oil in order to get the best results. That daily massage will also help your muscles develop. In mustard oil, you will find that there are many medicinal properties in it that will help you to have healthy and glowing skin.

9. Do stomach crunches …

I really wanted to point out to you just how important those stomach crunches are in order to tighten that skin. If you are not used to doing stomach crunches, then start with one and then increase it by one each day you go along. This is not only a fast method to tone that skin, but it is a fast method to lose weight.

10. Take up Yoga …

The best asana for you to do in order to tone up and achieve the perfect skin is called Bhujang Asana. Lay down flat on your stomach and raise your face up off of the ground as much as you can.

11. Apply Preperation-H …

Many individuals who are looking to tone up their skin actually apply preparation-H to their skin as it will help to tighten it up. It contains lanolin in it, which will penetrate the skin.

12. Tighten your stomach muscles throughout the day …

As you are driving in your car, standing in lines, watching television, playing video games and sitting at your desk, you could help tighten up your skin. You can do this by pulling your stomach muscles in and holding them for a couple of minutes.

13. Start using collagen cream …

Applying collagen cream to your stomach area three times a day will help out. You should give the collagen moisture enough time to soak into your skin.

14. Don’t eat sweets or products that have fructose syrup in them …

There’s fourteen tips to tighten lose skin after weight loss. Also, for exercise, you can lay flay on your back and lift your legs half way into the air. Hold them there for a couple of seconds, then lower them and repeat. There is always surgery, but that is risky and I believe you should try other methods before you lie under a knife.

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